Do you have gear that you no longer need or have outgrown?
Got extra gear lying around? Donate it to our Hockey Gear Drive! We're collecting gently used equipment to help aspiring players who need a little extra support to get started. It’s a great way to give back to the community and help everyone experience the joy of hockey. Drop off your gear at Ice Realm, and while you’re here, check out our upcoming programs!
We have new players looking for you! Help us gather and recycle ice hockey gear for new players! We are looking for gear donations for all ages for our Free Learn to Skate and Free Learn to Play Hockey programs.
We need gear to fit all years of age.
- Player gear

- Skates
- Sticks
- Bags
- Goalie gear
If you would like to donate gear or fund new gear in our program, please drop off at a nearby location between the hours of 8am - 8pm
Ice Realm Westminster
13071 Springdale St
Westminster, CA. 92683
Icetown Carlsbad
2283 Cosmos Ct
Carlsbad, CA. 92011